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SKILLCO piloting courses have been completed in Hungary

In October 2019, the testing of four curricula developed within the framework of the SKILLCO project was completed. In Hungary, the Budapest Complex Vocational Training Centre (BKSZC) organized pilot trainings for its construction vocational school students in its member institutions, and for the skilled workers ÉVOSZ organized pilot courses in Budapest, Pécs, Zalaegerszeg and Debrecen.

For construction workers under module “B” eleven piloting courses were organized in four cities in Hungary on the four skills gaps. A total of 149 employees took part in the courses. The participants were skilled workers of small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed persons.

At the end of the course, participants evaluated the training according to different criteria. By completing a satisfaction questionnaire, they reported how satisfied they were with the information they received before the course, with the training materials, with the teachers and with the conditions of the training. Whether the content of the course was in line with their expectations and interest and if the learning material was innovative. At the same time, they also responded to the extent to the benefit in their work what they have learned during the courses.

The trainers of the courses also responded to the content of the learning materials. The participants and the trainers of the pilot courses were extremely satisfied with the course material.

As part of the project the SkillgApp application developed by the West German Chamber of Crafts, will make the project outcomes, learning materials, short video clips and quizzes on the four skill gapes available to construction trainees, skilled workers and VET teachers.

To present the project outcomes and SkillgApp application "train the trainers" events will be held in November 2019 in all three partner countries. The results of the SKILLCO project will be presented to the public at the project closing conference on 11 December 2019 in Ljubljana.