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Flipped classrooms in the SKILLCO project

As part of the Skillco project, we are developing an application for smartphones called SKILLgApp, which will be used at regular VET lessons through the teaching / learning methodology model called “flipped classroom”. A flipped classroom is a teaching / learning model where students are introduced with specific content already at home via special app etc., and practice working through it at VET school/centre.

In this blended learning approach, face-to-face interaction is mixed with independent study via technology. Students for example watch pre-recorded SKILLCO videos for 4 selected identified sectoral missing skills at home, then come to school lesson, check the handbook for the lessons and at school lesson discuss the specific topic addressed with VET teacher/mentor. Next lesson can be check of the knowledge and skills acquired in pre-lessons, this means trainee check his knowledge via the SKILLCO app quiz armed at home acquired background knowledge acquired from the handbook and video clips. At home trainees also do some homework – prepared exercises offered in the SKILLCO app related to missing sectoral skills.
More info on flipped classroom in learning process: